
Access accurate, timely, and reliable market information that you can trust. Stay ahead of the curve in the cereal market!


Access accurate, timely, and reliable market information that you can trust. Stay ahead of the curve in the cereal market!

Select a location in Kenya and easily view the current market prices of various grains and cereals.
Our data is updated regularly to ensure that you have the most recent information.

Select a location in Kenya and easily view the current market prices of various grains and cereals.
Our data is updated regularly to ensure that you have the most recent information.

Access the market information you need wherever you are! To access the market information offline, dial *789*2000# .
You can also subscribe to our weekly market information SMS system to have market information delivered right to your phone!


Access the market information you need wherever you are! To access the market information offline, dial *789*2000# .
You can also subscribe to our weekly market information SMS system to have market information delivered right to your phone!

Prices of grains and cereals are constantly changing
Get all the information you need to stay ahead of the curve
Changes in the Last 12 Months (2023 to 2024)

Watch this video to learn how to interpret market price graphs correctly and apply the knowledge in real-life situations.

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We provide monthly price reports that you can download and use for your analysis. These reports contain detailed information on the cereal market, including historical data and trends.

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